// $VER: MCF_SAbuser.AMIRX 4.10 (18.12.96) (MCF Extra Command)
\\ Written by Donald T. Becker (dtbecker@prolog.net) IRC: StarDustr
// Please mail any bug reports/comments to the above address with a subject
\\ header of MCF.AMIRX.
\\ ** What to do with this file?
// Put this script in REXX:
\\ Add the following Alias SA /Rx MCF_SAbuser %p
;parse arg flag who;if flag ~='-' then who=flag;if who="" then exit;who=upper(strip(who));MCFenv=address();xl=pos('.',MCFenv)+1;Client=substr(MCFenv,xl,1);SAC="SABUSER."||Client;SAbuser=" "||getclip(sac);select;when flag ~='-' then;SAbuser=SAbuser who;otherwise;do;xl=pos(who,SAbuser);if xl=0 then exit;xl=xl-1;x1=left(SAbuser,xl);xt=substr(SAbuser,xl);parse value xt with drop x2;SAbuser=x1||x2;end;end;call setclip(SAC,strip(SAbuser));exit